Campbell Co. will integrate its public safety radio communications with Lynchburg, Bedford, and Amherst.

 Public Safety communications in Central Virginia just grew by 500 square miles!

Campbell County will now integrate its public safety radio communications with Lynchburg, Bedford and Amherst.  Once integrated, public safety communications will be interoperable through 1,800 square miles of Central Virginia-Lynchburg. Integration will allow the good guys can communicate with each other seamlessly as they chase bad guys across jurisdictional boundaries.

It also means that public safety officers will be able to talk with each other at major events at Liberty University and mutual aid exercises.

The current system of sixteen (16) radio towers will grow to twenty (20) towers which use an 800 mHz trunked radio system to maximize use of frequencies and channels.  A trunked system gives the greatest opportunity for public safety officials to get access to an open channel.

FY 22 is the target date for the installation of the L3Harris equipment.  L3Harris has offices in the Central Virginia-Lynchburg region and manages the maintenance of the existing regional system’s equipment.

Matt Perkins of the PDC staff assists the Central Virginia Radio Board.  Matt can be reached at 434 818-7607,

Central Virginia Planning District Commission


828 Main Street, 12th Floor
Lynchburg, VA 24504
(434) 845-3491

CVPDC Central Virginia Planning District Commission

Members of: VAPDC logo 0619