CVPDC works to connect member local governments to resources outside of our region. The following opportunities are currently available from federal, state, and other partners. Interested parties are encouraged to contact staff to learn more.

Funding, Technical Assistance, and Education Opportunities

Workforce Housing Investment Program: Due March 31st

Virginia Housing continues to advance its many programs to support housing for in the Commonwealth. The Workforce Housing Investment Program, with $15 million allocated in FY2025 and a plan to repeat the program for five years, grant round is open from February 1 to March 31, 2025, is focused on developing middle-income housing, affordable to people making between 80% and 120% of the Area Median Income, across the Commonwealth. The program seeks to encourage coordination and collaboration among localities, PDCs, housing organizations and developers to advance the development of much-needed workforce housing that supports the families, businesses, localities, and the Commonwealth. This program has been developed in collaboration with Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) and the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP).

Learn more about this exciting program, including program handbook, business expansion and income grant eligibility, and application details visit: Workforce Housing Investment Program.

FEMA and VDEM announce Mitigation Program Grants  

FY24 Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC): Due March 6th

FEMA has announced the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the BRIC program. Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) is current accepting required pre-applications and applications for projects that improve mitigation. Learn more about the VDEM Pre-application and BRIC program at:

FY25 Emergency Shelter Upgrade Assistance Grant: Due March 14th

VDEM has announced the Shelter Upgrade Fund to used solely to provide matching funds to localities to install, maintain, or repair permanent infrastructure related to backup energy generation and hazard-specific (e.g. wind retrofit) to shelter facilities. Learn more at:

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (FEMA-DR-VA-4831): Pre-Application Due March 30th

VDEM is accepting pre-applications for FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) following recovery efforts from Hurricane Helene (FEMA-DR-VA-4831). While priority is for declared localities, grants can be awarded to mitigation strategies to reduce impact of natural hazards identified in a regional Hazard Mitigation Plan. Full applications are anticipated to be due in August 2025. Please contact Kelly Hitchcock at to discuss potential project submission. Learn more at VDEM. Learn more at:

FY24 Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA): Pre-Application Due March 6th

The Flood Mitigation Assistance Program (FMA) is to provide funding for projects to reduce or eliminate risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings insured by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Learn more at:

VDOT Transportation Alternatives Program: Pre-Applications: Due May 30th

VDOT FY27-28 Transportation Alternatives (TA) Program, that provides funding to expand non-motorized travel choices and enhance the transportation experience by improving cultural, historical and environmental aspects of the transportation infrastructure in the Commonwealth, application round will open in VDOT SMART Portal in Spring 2025. Required Pre-Applications are due May 30th, with full applications due September 15, 2025. All projects in the FY27-28 grant round must be included in a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for eligibility. More at VDOT Transportation Alternatives Program

VDOT Revenue Sharing Program: Pre-Applications Due May 30th

VDOT Fiscal Year 2025 Revenue Sharing pre-application round opens in the SMART Portal April 1, 2205. VDOT’s Revenue Sharing program provides localities matching funds for roadway construction improvements. Authorized available funds for localities. Learn more about the pending application round at: VDOT Revenue Sharing Program

US EDA's Disaster Supplemental Funding Opportunity

Open for Requests

$103 million available. Due to natural disaster declarations in 2021 and 2022 in Appomattox, Bedford, and Campbell counties, Disaster Supplemental funding is available for a wide range of Economic Adjustment Assistance project types including planning, workforce development, entrepreneurship, revolving loan funds, public works, and infrastructure projects. Submissions should be based on long-term, regionally oriented, coordinated, and collaborative economic development or redevelopment strategies that foster economic growth and resilience. Projects must be consistent with the CVPDC's CEDS. A webinar and its slideshow introducing the NOFO appear at along with additional information.

EPA's free Water Technical Assistance (WaterTA)

Open for Requests

TA supports communities to identify water challenges, develop plans, build capacity, and develop application materials to access water infrastructure funding. Learn more about WaterTA services and programs and view past WaterTA webinars and presentations.

Tobacco Commission Economic Development Workforce Housing Incentive Pilot Program

Deadline coming soon

Developed with feedback from staff of Virginia Housing and the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development, the program’s goal is to make the Commission’s footprint more attractive for economic development by directly addressing a major concern of expanding employers:  insufficient housing for their workforce.

Total allocation: $2 million, Maximum award: $1 million

Purpose:  Enhance the appeal of the Tobacco Region for major economic development projects by incentivizing localities and employers to develop affordable housing options for employees.

BRIC: Reducing Risk Through Hazard Mitigation

Reopening soon

The Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities program aims to categorically shift the federal focus away from reactive disaster spending and toward research-supported, proactive investment in community resilience. Examples of BRIC projects are ones that demonstrate innovative approaches to partnerships, such as shared funding mechanisms, and/or project design.

For example, an innovative project may bring multiple funding sources or in-kind resources from a range of private and public sector partners. Or an innovative project may offer multiple benefits to a community in addition to the benefit of risk reduction.

Through BRIC, FEMA continues to invest in a variety of mitigation activities with an added focus on infrastructure projects benefitting disadvantaged communities, nature-based solutions, climate resilience and adaption and adopting hazard resistant building codes.

Virginia Department of Energy Awarded $156 Million for Solar for All Program

Coming Soon

The Virginia Department of Energy (Virginia Energy) will receive over $156 million in federal funding under the federal Solar for All grant. Around 50% of Virginia households are eligible to benefit from the program.

The funding will be available to Virginia for the next five years. Residential rooftop solar and shared solar developments qualify for the grant dollars. Developers may also submit larger projects, such as solar for community housing. The funding is focused mostly on low-income residents or people who live in communities designated as underserved. Projects must be designed to result in a minimum of 20% savings on their energy bills.

Central Virginia Planning District Commission


828 Main Street, 12th Floor
Lynchburg, VA 24504
(434) 845-3491

CVPDC Central Virginia Planning District Commission

Members of: VAPDC logo 0619