planning cvpdc central va region 2000 altavista amherst


The CVPDC provides a variety of community planning and development services to local governments within the region. Each town, city, and county in CVPDC service area has a comprehensive plan which helps elected and appointed officials make policy decisions that support the community’s vision and goals. Other plans and studies focus on particular geographical areas such as, a downtown or commercial corridor, or on specific subject areas such as, pedestrian and bicycle access, agriculture, tourism, hazard mitigation, and historic preservation.

The CVPDC assists localities with varied tasks to help achieve community goals, including research, public input meetings, surveys, and development of policy documents including plans, studies, guidelines, and ordinances.

Current Projects


Past Projects

  • Agriculture Plan
  • Town of Appomattox Comprehensive Plan
  • Town of Amherst Comprehensive Plan
  • Campbell County Comprehensive Plan (Transportation Element)
  • Amherst County Comprehensive Plan (Transportation Element)
  • Town of Brookneal Comprehensive Plan
  • Town of Altavista Downtown Revitalization Overlay Ordinance
  • Region 2000 Hazard Mitigation Plan

Central Virginia Planning District Commission


828 Main Street, 12th Floor
Lynchburg, VA 24504
(434) 845-3491

CVPDC Central Virginia Planning District Commission

Members of: VAPDC logo 0619