abandoned building in central virginia with broken glass

The CVPDC has received a $500,000 Brownfields Assessment Grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Region 3.

The grant will be used by the CVPDC and its member partners to conduct Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), to support property reuse and remediation planning. Grant funds will be used to characterize sites to remove environmental uncertainty to support property/building reuse. Specifically, the grant will fund the CVPDC’s consultant, Environmental Standards Inc., to work with private property owners to understand what conditions exist and assist in property evaluation to provide a foundation for reuse or redevelopment.

One hundred percent of all ESA work on eligible private property will be funded through the awarded CVPDC grant. Grant funding is committed to the CVPDC until September 2027. 
Learn more about the program by contacting Kelly Hitchcock, Deputy Director of Planning, at kelly.hitchcock@cvpdc.org or at 434-818-7604.   

Central Virginia Planning District Commission


828 Main Street, 12th Floor
Lynchburg, VA 24504
(434) 845-3491

CVPDC Central Virginia Planning District Commission

Members of: VAPDC logo 0619