Goode family moves into lynchburg habitat for humanities home built with cvpdc affordable housing grant

The Goode family took ownership of their home on Saturday, April 13. This is the first of nine homes that the Greater Lynchburg Habitat for Humanity has planned on Knott Street in Lynchburg.

Invited to speak on behalf of CVPDC as a sponsor, Executive Director Alec Brebner recognized the sweat, equity and investment of the Goodes, GLHFH, and their numerous volunteers as far more valuable than any cash contribution.

CVPDC is honored and humbled to support affordable housing development throughout Central Virginia.

greater lynchburg affordable homes habitat for humanities cvpdc grant

More About the Affordable Housing Grant

In July 2021 Virginia Housing announced $40 million in grants available to Virginia’s 21 Planning District Commission.  The Virginia Housing PDC Housing Development Program was developed to expand new affordable housing units across the Commonwealth. 

The CVPDC was awarded $2 million to execute the CVPDC Housing Development Program and is working collaboratively with the region’s housing delivery partners, including local governments, non-profit organizations, developers, housing authorities, and lenders, to develop new affordable housing units within the CVPDC planning region. The CVPDC will utilize up to $1.7 million of the awarded PDC Housing Development grant to provide gap funding to area housing partners to develop affordable units.  All units must be complete by June 30, 2025.

Follow us on LinkedIn or check in with our news section to see updates about the affordable housing projects within the Greater Lynchburg area.

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Central Virginia Planning District Commission


828 Main Street, 12th Floor
Lynchburg, VA 24504
(434) 845-3491

CVPDC Central Virginia Planning District Commission

Members of: VAPDC logo 0619