CVPDC approves grant match to support administrative positions at CTE Academy

 The Central Virginia Planning District Commission approved a recommended pledge of $134,000 as a match for a GO Virginia Grant to support Central Virginia Community College's Career and Technical Education (CTE) Academy at the July 16, 2020 meeting.

If successful, the grant and matching PDC support will provide funds for CVCC to hire two staff members for the CTE Academy: a CTE Academy Director and Business Engagement Liason. The CTE Academy Director will oversee operations of the academy while the Business Engagement Liason will be responsible for working with the school districts, the academy, and businesses in the region and will focus on recruitment efforts for the academy.

CVPDC has previously targeted the importance of technical skills training and CTE efforts within the region, focusing on areas such as advanced manufacturing. As jobs continue to require increasingly technical skills, it is imperative to help prepare those entering the workforce, as well as to provide ongoing training for those already working, with the opportunity for these opportunities through a regionally coordinated effort.

Central Virginia Planning District Commission


828 Main Street, 12th Floor
Lynchburg, VA 24504
(434) 845-3491

CVPDC Central Virginia Planning District Commission

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