watershed implementation plan central va

Virginia Chesapeake Bay Phase III Watershed Implementation Plans (WIP)

In 2010 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established load reduction goals (TMDL), for nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment to provide for a clean water within the Chesapeake Bay watershed (show images).   The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), in partnership with the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), Planning District Commissions (PDCs), and stakeholders across the Commonwealth developed the Draft WIP, a summary of pollution control actions and strategies, or cleanup roadmap, to reduce pollutant loads in local, regional, Virginia and Bay waterways, by 2025. To learn more, access Chesapeake Bay Phase III Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP).

CVPDC Partners with DEQ to Advance Chesapeake Bay Phase III WIP
In April, 2019 the CVPDC, along with Planning District Commissions across Virginia, has entered into a contract with DEQ to assist in implementing actions, or Best Management Practices (BMPs), and programs developed in partnership with local governments, organizations, and citizens to support water quality within local, regional, and state Chesapeake Bay tributaries (streams and rivers).

2019 CVPDC WIP Activities

Throughout the remainder of 2019, the CVPDC and local stakeholders will be engaged in several activities and meetings to advance the Phase III Chesapeake Bay Watershed Implementation Plan.

DEQ Host BMP Warehouse Training Webinar – June 17, 2019 at 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
DEQ will lead a training webinar designed to introduce to local staff and citizens information on the DEQ Best Management Plan (BMP) Warehouse, a tool that records programs, activities to reduce pollutant loads.  The webinar will introduce the BMP Warehouse, basic usage, and respond to questions submitted regarding the BMP reporting program. Register Here.

Region 2000 (PDC 11) WIP III Workbook - from CAST (August 2018)

2018 CVPDC WIP Activities

See Content Archives for Meeting and Presentation documents.

For More Information Contact

Kelly Hitchcock, Planning and Development Director

Central Virginia Planning District Commission


828 Main Street, 12th Floor
Lynchburg, VA 24504
(434) 845-3491

CVPDC Central Virginia Planning District Commission

Members of: VAPDC logo 0619