In 2007 Region 2000 Local Government Council assisted Virginia’s Department of Environmental Quality, DEC, in developing a TMDL, or pollutant load, study for seven stream segments place on the Federal 303 D list of impaired waters list for E.coli bacteria.  The seven streams targeted in the study included:  18.43 miles of James River; 5.37 miles of Ivy Creek; 5.9 miles of Tomahawk Creek; 3.47 miles of Burton Creek; 10.55 miles of Judith Creek; 5.45 miles of Fishing Creek; and 10.24 miles of Blackwater Creek.

Engineering Concepts, Inc., an engineering firm from Newcastle, Virginia, was hired perform the necessary hydrologic modeling and watershed analysis for the project. The TMDL study was through broad stakeholder participation.

The first project Public Meeting was held on July 17, 2006 and the second, and final Public Meeting, were the draft document was made available and began a 30 day public comment period, was held on May 3, 2007.  The TMDL was submitted to EPA for review on September 7, 2007 and approved by EPA on December 4, 2007.

Project Documents

Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load Development for the James River Basin, 2007
Amendment to the TMDL document titled, Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load Development for the James River Basin (submitted to VADEQ August 2007)

Central Virginia Planning District Commission


828 Main Street, 12th Floor
Lynchburg, VA 24504
(434) 845-3491

CVPDC Central Virginia Planning District Commission

Members of: VAPDC logo 0619