The CVPDC assists in both regional and local water and wastewater planning and project implementation.

Region 2000 Water Supply Plan

In compliance with the State Water Control Board’s regulation 9 VAC 25-780, Local and Regional Water Supply Planning, the Region 2000 Local Government Council Water Supply Plan (Plan), revised in April 2011, is a functional sustainable water supply plan that supports growth and economic development. The regulation establishes a comprehensive water supply planning process for the development of local, regional and state water supply initiatives. The plan was developed to:

  • Ensure adequate and safe drinking water is available to residents throughout the region;
  • Encourage, promote, and protect other beneficial uses of the region’s water supply;
  • Encourage, promote and develop initiatives for alternative water sources; and
  • Promote conservation.

 View Plan

Links for Additional Information

Central Virginia Planning District Commission


828 Main Street, 12th Floor
Lynchburg, VA 24504
(434) 845-3491

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