Issue Date:  June 6, 2024

Title:  Mosley Heights Community Revitalization Project

Commodity Code:  Infrastructure Assessment PER Services

Issuing Agency & Address:
Town of Altavista
510 7th Street
Altavista, VA 24517

Location of Work:
Mosley Heights Area
Town of Altavista, Virginia

Period of Contract:  June 2024 – June 2025 

Contact Person:
Jefrado Granger, Project Manager
Central Virginia Planning District Commission
828 Main Street, 12th Floor, Lynchburg, VA 24504
O: (434) 845-5678, x. 7608; M: (434) 818-7608


The Town of Altavista has received a CDBG Planning Grant from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (VDHCD) to provide an assessment of housing and infrastructure needs within the Mosley Heights community.  The goal is to create a redevelopment strategy that will eventually provide revitalization to the entire Mosley Heights community. The Town of Altavista will utilize the results of the assessment, along with other project evaluation elements, in order to develop a community improvement construction grant to VDHCD in the summer of 2025. 

Purpose And Scope Of Services

The Town of Altavista desires to solicit proposals for the purposes of entering into a contract through competitive negotiations for the professional services of a Professional Engineering firm, authorized to do business in the Commonwealth of Virginia, with experience in assessing infrastructure matters related to roads, drainage, sidewalks, lighting and sanitary sewer. The selected firm(s) shall furnish all expertise, labor and resources for preliminary engineering and cost estimating services relating to this project. A contract for these planning services would be substantially complete by October 31st, 2024. The following generally highlights the services that the firm will be required to perform:

  1. The Engineer will investigate the adequacy of the current roads, sidewalks, lighting, and drainage areas within the project area to service safe transportation movement, both vehicular and pedestrian and to adequately remove and transfer runoff within the project area. The Engineer will recommend necessary improvements that will eliminate current deficiencies and meet current VDOT standards.

  2. GIS and mapping services as needed for this project.

  3. The Engineer will include, within the PER recommendations, financial estimates that will include construction costs as well as long-term cost estimates for sidewalk, road, and drainage maintenance.

The Town of Altavista may, at its sole discretion, amend or extend its contract with the successful proposer to include building design and construction management services should the Town submit and be awarded a construction improvement grant from VDHCD.  Any new agreement will include required activities as stipulated by VDHCD.

View Full RFP


Answers to questions received by June 17, 2024

  • QUESTION: Is this PER just for infrastructure or is it for housing also?

This PER assessment is just for infrastructure only.

  • QUESTION What agency would any contract be established with? The Town of Altavista or the CVPDC?

The contract will be between the Town of Altavista and the selected firm.

Central Virginia Planning District Commission


828 Main Street, 12th Floor
Lynchburg, VA 24504
(434) 845-3491

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