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Office of the Region 2000 Local Government Council
828 Main Street, 12th Floor
Lynchburg, VA 24504

Large Conference Room | 10:30 am


1. Welcome | Moment of Silence | Welcome New Member - Kenneth Campbell, Chair 

2. Approval of April 26, 2018 Meeting Minutes - Kenneth Campbell, Chair 

3. Financial Report - Rosalie Majerus 

4. Updates from Members 

5. DEQ Phase III WIP Grant - Kelly Hitchcock 

6. Charter/Name Change - Gary Christie 

7. Office Space - Gary Christie 

8. Report on meeting with Roanoke - Gary Christie 

9. Schedule for SERDI Assessment - Gary Christie  

10. Items from Staff and Council 

11. Upcoming Meeting 

12. Next Regular Meeting: September 20, 5 p.m., Local Government Council Offices

Executive Summary 

1. Welcome | Moment of Silence | Welcome New Member Beverly Dalton, Vice Mayor, Altavista - Kenneth Campbell, Chair 

2. Approval of April 26, 2018 Meeting Minutes - Kenneth Campbell, Chair 


3. Financial Report - Rosalie Majerus 


4. Updates from Members 

i. Senator Mark Peake – General Assembly 

ii. Dean Rodgers on General Assembly support of Environmental Remediation at the Central Virginia Training Center 

iii. Altavista Vice Mayor Beverly Dalton - GO Virginia 

5. DEQ Phase III WIP Grant - Kelly Hitchcock 


6. Charter/Name Change - Gary Christie 


i. Local Government Council 

ii. Workforce Development Board 

iii. Radio Communications Board 

Charter and Bylaws Changes 

Carl Boggess of Bedford County and Frank Rogers of Campbell County joined ED Gary Christie on a conference call and have the following recommendations for the Local Government Council related to changing the LGC’s Charter and the Bylaws: 

A. Charter: 

1. The Name of the Organization be changed to Central Virginia Planning District Commission throughout the document 

B. ByLaws: 

1. Make the Executive Director the Secretary (Article V, section 1)(Article IX, Section 2) 

2. The Executive Committee should consist of the current Chair and the appointed officials from the jurisdictions (managers/administrators) (Article VII, section 1)

3. The Chair could succeed him/herself if he/she didn’t complete a 12 month term previously (Article V, Section 3) 

4. Clarify that Cities and Counties pay a per capita assessment while Towns pay a fee to be determined annually (Article VI, Section 3) 

5. Include that the Commission may receive donations from individuals (Article VI, Section 4) 


C. Name Change for the Region 2000 Radio Communication Board 

The Radio Board also has asked that their name return to the original Central Virginia Radio Communication Board. 

LGC Attorney Ted Craddock recommends that an agreement go back to the four member localities for their approval. 

D. Name Change for the Region 2000 Workforce Board 

The Workforce Board also asks that their name be changed to the Central Virginia Workforce Development Board. This too will have to go back to the City and Counties for approval with the attached agreement. 

Recommended Action 

1. Agree to circulate to local governments the attached LGC charter change for a 30 day comment period. If no comments are received within the 30 day comment period, ask our member jurisdictions to approve the charter change. 

2. Circulate By-law recommendations to members and bring back proposed By-law Changes at the October meeting for consideration. 

3. Endorse a name change for the Radio Board and Workforce Development Board and circulate to appropriate jurisdictions 

Additional Information 

A. Estimated cost for LGC to CVPDC name change conversion 

Here’s our estimates of the various costs we expect to encounter related to the name change. We’re not suggesting a budget change at this point, but we’ll keep the Commission informed if we believe that we would be unable to make up the spending from other line items. 

Budget for Name Change Transition:

Business Cards - 600
ID Badges - 150
Signage - 1000
Social Media - 750
Website - 2700
Banners - 500
Domain Name - 50
Changing E-mail Address - 500
Technical assistance to create a branding portfolio - 2700
Contingency - 2500
Total - $11,450

The CVPDC will be using the “” as our web address and e-mail suffix. Other organizations within the CVPDC family will have different website and e-mail address suffixes. 


7. Office Space - Gary Christie 

Currently we use 6,063 sq. ft. at the Bank of the James, 12th floor @ $14.47/sq. ft. includes utilities and parking. Entire floor is 7,800 sq. ft. 

The landlord has offered $11.00 per square foot with a 3% annual escalator. Including parking, which would not automatically escalate, the cost is $11.87 per square foot. 

If approved, we expect a reduction in our rent costs of $14,857 in the first year ($11,964 for LGC, $2,893 WDB). 

We believe that we shouldn’t take any space less than 5,000 sq. ft. 

Recommended Action

Staff recommends a 5 year lease with the current space at the Bank of the James beginning at $11.00 per square foot for 6,063 sq. ft. with a 3% escalator clause. 

Other Options for Existing Office space rentals 


1678 Lawyers Road - 3,312 sq. ft. | $8  (Needs renovation, tight fit, utilities extra) 

Alliance Building - 3,254 sq. ft. | $14  (Needs renovation, tight fit for offices) 

BB&T Timberlake Road - 3,737 sq. ft. | $15 

1104 Commerce St - 6,000 sq. ft.  | $16  (Parking would be additional)

1608 Graves Mill Road - 3,850 sq. ft. | $16-18  (New construction) 

210 Archway Court - 3,024 sq. ft. $16.50 

BB&T Langhorne Road - 8,625 sq. ft. | $17 

800 Main ST - 5,500 sq. ft. | $20   (Genworth Building)

8. Report on Meeting with Roanoke - Gary Christie 

9. Schedule for SERDI Assessment - Gary Christie 


We have an electronic survey coming out soon to government and stakeholders who have worked with the Local Government Council in the past. 

We’ve re-worked our SERDI interview process to include any LGC member who has time to talk with the SERDI folks. 

Below are proposed dates/times for you to meet with the SERDI folks: 


Individual Interviews 

Monday, August 27 

In Amherst 

1. Dean Rodgers, Amherst County Administrator 9-10 a.m. 

2. Sara Carter, Amherst Town Manager 10-11 a.m. 

3. Amherst Town Mayor Dwayne Tuggle, Vice Chair of LGC 11-12 a.m. 

4. LGC Chair Kenneth Campbell, Amherst Board of Supervisors 12-1 p.m. 

In Appomattox 

5. Susan Adams, Appomattox County Administrator 2:30-3:30 p.m. 

6. Gary Shanaberger, Appomattox Town Manager 3:30-4:30 p.m. 

7. Mayor Paul Harvey, Town of Appomattox 5:30-6:30 p.m. 

Tuesday, August 28 

In Bedford 

8. Carl Boggess, Bedford County Administrator 9-10 a.m. 9. Bart Warner, Bedford Town Manager 10-11 a.m. 

10. Bruce Johnansen, Bedford Town Council Member & LGC rep. 11-12 a.m. 

In Lynchburg 

11. Megan Lucas, Business Alliance CEO & LG Council member 2-3 p.m. 

12. Bryan Moody, Appomattox County 3-4 p.m. 

13. Senator Mark Peake, LGC member 4-5 p.m. 

Wednesday, August 29 

In Rustburg 

14. Frank Rogers, Campbell County Administrator 9-10 a.m. 

15. Russell Thurston, Brookneal Town Manager 10-11 a.m. 

16. Mayor Phyllis Campbell, Brookneal Mayor 11-12 a.m. 

In Altavista 

17. Waverly Coggsdale, Altavista Town Manager 1:30-2:30 p.m. 

18. Beverly Dalton, Altavista Town Council member, LGC member 2:30-3:30 p.m. 

19. Charlie Watts, Campbell County BOS & LGC member 

Thursday, August 30 

In Lynchburg 

20. Turner Perrow, MPO Chair 9-10 a.m. 

21. Bonnie Svrcek, Lynchburg Town Manager 10-11 a.m. 

22. John Sharp, BOS and LGC member from Bedford County 11-12 a.m. 

23. John Capps, Central Virginia Community College 1:30-2:30 p.m. 

24. Kenny Craig, Liberty University Government Liaison, also on MPO 2:30-3:00 p.m. 

Focus Groups 

Tuesday, September 18 – Noon, Lunch Included 

Non Profits – Invited 

1. Bill Coleman, Lynchburg Community Action Group 

2. Bill Bodine, CEO, Lynchburg Community Foundation 

3. Sam Gerstemeier, Government Liaison, Centra Health (hospital) 

4. Dr. Kerry Gateley, CEO, Lynchburg Regional Health Department 

5. Nat Marshall, BWXT and Workforce Board Chair 

6. Dawn Fagan, Lynchburg Housing Redevelopment 

7. Deborah Silverman, Central Virginia Alliance for Community Living 

8. Damien Cabieze, Horizon Behavioral Health 

9. Bill Varner, United Way of Central Virginia 

Tuesday, September 18 – 4:00 p.m., Local Government Council Offices 

City Mayor and County Board Chairs - Invited 

1. Amherst County BOS Chair Claudia Tucker 

2. Bedford County BOS Chair Bill Thomasson 

3. Sam Carter, Chair, Appomattox County Board of Supervisors 

4. Eddie Gunter, Campbell Chair, Board of Supervisors 

5. Treney Tweedy, Mayor of Lynchburg 

6. Mike Mattox, Mayor, Altavista 

7. Bob Wandrei, Mayor, Bedford 

Wednesday, September 19 - 9:30 a.m. Region 2000 Offices 

Chambers of Commerce and Downtown Organizations - Invited 

1. _______________, Bedford Chamber 

2. Heather Reynolds, Altavista Chamber 

3. Stephanie Prokity, Alliance Chair 

4. John Redding, President, Appomattox Chamber 

5. Vanessa Angus, Director, Amherst Chamber 

6. Laura Sheppard, President Brookneal Chamber 

7. Vicki Gardner, Executive Director, Smith Mountain Lake Chamber 

8. Ashley Kershner, Downtown Lynchburg

9. Christine Kennedy, Alliance COO 

Wednesday, September 19 – Noon – Lunch Included 

Community Planners and Recreation Departments - Invited 

1. Jeremy Bryant, Amherst County Planner 

2. Sara Lu Christian, Amherst County Recreation 

3. Paul Harvey, Campbell County Planner 

4. Tom Martin, Lynchburg Planner 

5. Jenny Jones, Lynchburg Recreation 

6. Johnny Roarke, Appomattox County Planner 

7. Anne Dixon, Appomattox County Recreation 

8. Kent White, Lynchburg Planner 

9. Greg Zody, Bedford County 

10. __________, Campbell County Recreation 

11. __________, Bedford Recreation 

Wednesday, September 19 - 3:30 p.m. (Alternate date is Thursday the 20th as part of their regularly scheduled meeting 

Economic Developers - Invited 

1. Marjette Upshur, Lynchburg 

2. Mike Davidson, Campbell 

3. Traci Blido, Bedford 

4. Victoria Hansen, Amherst 

10. Items from Staff and Council 

11. Upcoming Meeting 

i. August Interviews with SERDI 

ii. September 20 meeting with SERDI, 4-6 p.m. at 20th Floor of the Bank of 

12. Next Regular Meeting: September 20, 4 p.m., 20th floor, Bank of the James 

Central Virginia Planning District Commission


828 Main Street, 12th Floor
Lynchburg, VA 24504
(434) 845-3491

CVPDC Central Virginia Planning District Commission

Members of: VAPDC logo 0619