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 Office of the Central Virginia Planning District Commission
828 Main Street, 12th Floor
Lynchburg, VA 24504

Large Conference Room | 10:30 am



1. Welcome, Kenneth Campbell, Chair

2. Approval of March 1 | Attachment | and March 6 | Attachment | Meeting Notes, Kenneth Campbell, Chair 

3. Personnel Policies Update, Margaret Schmitt | Attachment

4. Consideration of Support for a Redevelopment Plan for the Central Virginia Training Center, Gary Christie, CVPDC 

In January the Executive Committee began discussion on the next regional project.  We examined a list of possibilities and focused on economic development projects, especially infrastructure related projects that might qualify for a GO Virginia grant.

At a meeting with local and regional economic developers on March 6 we discussed investing up to $250,000 in the creation of a redevelopment plan for the Central Virginia Training Center.  The Committee asked for more information about the plan, including a scope of work and the name of the proposed vendor.

Megan Lucas, CEO of the Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance, has provided the attached scope of work which is proposed to be done by HDR, headquartered in Omaha, but with offices throughout the country, including six offices in Virginia.  The cost of the plan is estimated to be $500,000.

5. Preliminary 2019-2020 Draft Budget, Gary Christie, CVPDCAttachment

Our first look at the FY 2019-2020 preliminary budget is attached.  It’s preliminary because we haven’t receive our transportation related funding numbers (MPO, Rural, and Transit) yet.  This preliminary budget contains the current year’s numbers.

This projection has us ending the current year with a $39,349 surplus.

There is a 2% pay increase for employees based on satisfactory performance. 

The new Chesapeake Bay Phase III project is included as is the proposed additional planner that we’ve been discussing.

Continuing projects include:

-The CDBG Old Town Madison Heights in Amherst County
-The CDBG Meadowlark Neighborhood project in Appomattox Town
-The Hazard Mitigation Planning process

At the April 18 CVPDC meeting we’ll look at the budget and the workplan for FY 2019-2020.

6. Use of FY20 Rural Transportation Planning Funds for a Bedford Town Intersection Study, Gary Christie and Scott Smith, CVPDC | Attachment

7. Other Business

Upcoming Meetings:

Executive Committee Meeting - Called as Needed

Central Virginia Planning District Commission


828 Main Street, 12th Floor
Lynchburg, VA 24504
(434) 845-3491

CVPDC Central Virginia Planning District Commission

Members of: VAPDC logo 0619