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Large Conference Room
September 21 , 2017
5:00 p.m.


  1. Welcome and Moment of Silence - Mayor Foster, Chair
  2. Approval of Minutes of May 18, 2017 - Mayor Foster, Chair
  3. Resolution of Appreciation for Mr. John Sharp for his Service as Chair during FY 17 - Mayor Foster, Chair
  4. Resolution of Appreciation to Mr. Jack Hobbs for his Service to the Council from 1992 to 2017 - Mayor Foster, Chair
  5. Financial Report - Rosalie Majerus
  6. Consideration of a Dues Increase for FY 18 - Gary Christie
  7. Legislative Priorities for 2018 General Assembly - Gary Christi
  8. Rural Long Range Transportation Plan 2040 - Gary Christie
  9. Staff Reports - Kelly Hitchcock
  10. Consideration of designating Gary Christie as the Local Government Council’s Official FOIA Contact - Gary Christie
  11. Consideration of a special recognition for Bill Shelton, Director of the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development for 20 years of service as Department Director - Gary Christie
  12. Other Business
  13. Next Meeting: October 19, Lynchburg Holiday Inn

Executive Summary

    1. Welcome | Moment of Silence and Introduction of New Members - Mayor Foster
      1. Bart Warner, Town Manager, Bedford
      2. Gary Shanaberger, Town Manager, Appomattox
      3. Peter Huber, Interim Town Manager, Amherst
    2. Approval of Minutes of May 18, 2017 - Mayor Foster
    3. Resolution of Appreciation for Mr. John Sharp for his Service as Chair during FY 17 - Mayor Foster
    4. Resolution of Appreciation to Mr. Jack Hobbs for his Service to the Council from 1992 to 2017 - Mayor Foster and Gary Christie
    5. Financial Report - Rosalie Majeru
      1. FY 17 Financial Report (Attachment)
      2. FY 18 Financial Update for August (Attachment)
      3. VACo Insurance Resolution (Attachment)
      4. Discussion on Financial Reporting Requirements
    6. Consideration of a Dues Increase for FY 18 - Gary Christie
    7. Legislative Priorities for 2018 General Assembly - Gary Christie
      LGC members are encouraged to bring forward any items of interest that the Council should endorse for the upcoming General Assembly session. We will approve the list in October or November and typically we keep our list concise.

      The following suggestions were submitted by Amherst County:
      1. Protect localities ability to regulate cell and broad band towers.
      2. Fund the VRA Broadband Infrastructure Revolving Fund (See Va. Code secs. 15.2-2419 et seq.) adequatelyfor rural broadband infrastructure projects to be able to obtain financing.
      3. FOIA
        1. Oppose making failure to comply a criminal offense or presumptively willful
        2. Oppose proposals that would lessen the scope of the personnel exemption under Va. Code sec. 2.2-3705.1(1)
      4. Examine whether the Proffer Reform Bill of 2016 is making residential development much difficult.
    8. Rural Long Range Transportation Plan 2040 - Philipp Gabathuler

      The plan is available HERE

      Working with VDOT and using 80-20 match funding from VDOT staff has worked with local government planners to develop a five year update to the Rural Long Range Transportation Plan.

      This plan covers the non-MPO area of our region and ranks projects following a format very similar to the Smart Scale process so that jurisdictions can see how well a project may rank when considered under the Smart Scale process.

      Senior Planner Philipp Gabathuler will review how the plan was developed and how it can help localities determine priority projects.

      Recommended Action: Adoption of the 2040 Rural Long Range Transportation Plan

    9. Staff Reports - Kelly Hitchcock
      1. Regional Plan Review
      2. CEDS Implementation
      3. Safety Training
    10. Consideration of designating Gary Christie as the Local Government Council's Official FOIA Contact - Gary Christie
    11. Consideration of a special recognition for Bill Shelton, Director of the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development for 20 years of service as Department Director - Gary Christie

      Mr. Bill Shelton has served the Commonwealth in the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development since 1982 and as its Director since 1998. As DHCD Director he served five Governors of both parties. Bill has been especially helpful to this region and Regional Commissions throughout the Commonwealth on Community Development Block Grant projects, state building codes and funding for Planning District Commissions.

      Recommendation: Staff recommends that we recognize Bill at our October dinner meeting and thank him for his service to the Commonwealth.
    12. Other Business
    13. Next Meeting: October 19, Lynchburg Holiday Inn
      1. 4:00 – MPO
      2. 5:00 - LGC
      3. 6:00 – Reception
      4. 6:45 – Dinner and Speaker
        1. Speaker: Catherine C. McGhee, P.E., Director, Virginia Transportation Research Council
        2. Topic: Connected and Automated Vehicles in Virginia

View Agenda Items 5-9

Written Update

Hazard Mitigation Planning

Virginia Tech Center for Geospatial Information Technology will lead the project with a budget of $100,000. We expect to receive a 75% grant from the Virginia Department of Emergency Management for $82,500 with the balance coming from a $2,500 share from the participating local governments.

Shared Safety Training

A survey is being circulated to local governments and public agencies to assist in identifying essential employee training courses and program services that will be essential in forming an employee training program. The survey went out the first week in September and is due back September 25th. Area representatives will meet (will have date next week after Doodle Poll) to review the survey findings and determine whether and how to move forward.

Update on Workforce Development

HumanKind now is the contractor for the Adult and Dislocated worker program replacing Goodwill Industries. It’s a one year contract that’s renewable if both parties are satisfied. 

The Workforce Board has decide to operate the Youth program directly. Three Youth related employees have been hired as Local Government Council employees who will work from the Jubilee Center where Youth activities are headquartered. A Workforce Communications staff member has been hired, Savannah Cook, (most recently with Lynchburg College), who will work from our downtown offices with Ben Bowman and Lori Cumbo.

Office Space

Conversations and discussions are beginning related to the rental of office space from the Alliance in their new building on Court Street. An ad hoc committee of Dean Rodgers, Frank Rogers, Bonnie Svrcek and Waverly Coggsdale will review the recommendations and report back to the Council in the future. Other Council members interested in serving on this ad hoc committee are welcome. 

Currently we lease month-to-month 6,063 square foot of space at $13.60 per square foot at about $82,456 per year, not including some parking costs. 87.28% of the space is used by the LGC ($71,968), 12.72% by the Workforce Board (10,488).

Central Virginia Planning District Commission


828 Main Street, 12th Floor
Lynchburg, VA 24504
(434) 845-3491

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