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November 16, 2017, 5:00 p.m.


1. Welcome, moment of silence, recognition of new members - Mayor Joan Foster

2. Minutes of October 19, 2017 (attachment) - Mayor Joan Foster

3. Financial update - Rosalie Majerus

4. Creation of a Non-Profit organization to supplement the Workforce Development Board (Attachment) - Ben Bowman

5. GO Virginia Workforce Grant application support - Gary Christie and Ben Bowman

6. Taxation and Streaming Videos - Gary Christie

7. Office Space - Gary Christie

8. Strategic Planning: Local Government Council regional document summary and SERDI 360 Regional Assessment - Gary Christie

9. Meeting Schedule for 2018 - Gary Christie

10. Other business - Mayor Foster

11. Next meeting: January 18, 2018, 5 p.m.

Meeting Summary

1. Welcome, moment of silence, recognition of new members 

2. Minutes of October 19, 2017 (attachment)

3. Financial update

a. Year To Date Report - No financial report for September is included in this packet.

b. VMLN ACo Investment Program investment resolution (Attachment 3.b.)

i. Staff recommends that the Council approve an attached resolution to join the VMLN ACo Investment Pool as an alternative for longer term financial investments.

c. Update from Amherst County on communications with General Assembly regarding Central Virginia Training Center

4. Creation of a Non-Profit organization to supplement the Workforce Development Board (Attachment) - Ben Bowman

Recommended Action: Staff recommends that the Council approve the creation of the 501-C-3 for Workforce Development with the Workforce Development Board serving as the 501-C-3 Board of Directors and with the provision that all of the finances are managed by the Local Government Council.

Staff believes that the Workforce Board will be in a better position to receive donations from the private sector through a foundation rather than through the Local Government Council 


The Region 2000 Workforce Board has approved the concept of creating a Non-Profit 501-C-3 organization to be able to seek funding from foundations and from the private sector. Although donations for workforce development through the Local Government Council are tax deductible , it is thought that having a traditional foundation will make donors feel more comfortable about giving.

The Workforce Development Council (CLEOs) discussed this at their September meeting , but took no official action.

The proposal is that the Workforce Development Board would serve as the Board of Directors for the 501-C-3 Foundation.


5. GO Virginia Workforce Grant Application Support

The Council is asked to support a grant application to the Region 2 GO Virginia Board for Workforce Development which would:

• Expand existing worker training programs to encourage promotion of employees in high demand areas

• Create a Career and Technical Interest Information program to address the interest gap in hard-to-fill , technical occupations The Local Government Council would serve as the fiscal agent and administrator for the project.

Recommended Action: Authorize the Local Government Council to serve as fiscal agent and administrator for the GO Virginia grant and include a letter of support for support for the project.


6. Taxation and Streaming Videos - Gary Christie

Background: Last month we talked about the ability for localities to tax streaming video content. VML has taken a position and VA Co is considering one encouraging a more flexible tax policy for streaming video.

Staff suggests that instead of talking about one component of our tax policies , we encourage a dialogue on a comprehensive update to how local government obtains revenues .

Local Government Council Recommended Action: Staff recommends that the Local Government Council call on Regional Commissions /Councils throughout the Commonwealth to encourage the General Assembly to begin dialogue between local and state officials on a comprehensive reshaping the Commonwealth ' s tax code to advance both state and local economic competitiveness and produce a fairer system of revenue generation for local governments .

VML Position (adopted):

Communications Sales and Use Tax: The Virginia Communication Sales and Use Tax was enacted to establish a statewide tax rate and to pre-empt local taxes on communication sales and services. VML supports setting the tax rate at the same level as the state sales tax rate, and broadening the coverage of the tax to include audio and video streaming services and prepaid calling services.

VACo Position (for consideration at their conference in November):

504 Modernization of Communications and Sales Tax Structure

505 V ACo supports updating the Communications Sales and Use Tax (CSUT) to

506 ensure that it reflects the modem telecommunications landscape , which has

507 evolved since the CSUT took effect in January 2007. Similarl y, VACo supports

508 revising sales and use taxes to address modem patterns of consumption , such

509 as online purchases

7. Office Space

The Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance has invited us to share office space in their new building at 300 Lucado Street in Lynchburg. Staff discusses the expected costs, considerations and alternative locations .

Recommendation: Discussion, and if interested, refer the concept to the ad hoc committee for more consideration. (Attachment)

8. Strategic Planning: Local Government Council Regional document summary and SERDI 360 Regional Assessment- Gary Christie

Summary: We're still working on analyzing the various regional plans to find commonalities. We expect to have the material ready for you at the January meeting.

Also at the January meeting we will ask your authorization to hire the SouthEast Regional Directors Institute to lead the Council on a 360 Organizational Assessment at a cost not to exceed $7,500 beginning the process in August 2018. The assessment is designed to identify how the Council is perceived by local government customers , to identify strategies to strengthen those relationships and to identify or reinforce projects or strategic areas where the Council should be working.

This work will also be helpful as we work through the development of a regional strategic plan and our future work plans by offering our stakeholders opportunities to make suggestions about where we would best focus our energies and work plans. (Attachment)

9. Meeting Schedule for 2018:

Our VDOT/CTB colleagues have asked us not to hold MPO meetings outside of the MPO area . That complicates our ability to have dinner meetings outside of the MPO area.

The Council is asked to consider:

• whether to move the spring 2018 dinner meeting to May to have the meeting outside of the MPO area, and/or

• whether to plan a dinner meeting with the Roanoke Regional Commission in June in the Roanoke area

Meeting schedule for consideration for 2018

i. January 18 MPO & LGC

ii. March 15 - LGC

iii. April 19- MPO, LGC

iv. May 17 - LGC (Dinner meeting?)

v. June 28 - Meeting with Roanoke Regional Commis sion in Roanoke area

vi. September 20 - LGC

vii. October 18 - MPO & LGC dinner meeting

viii. November 15 - LGC

10. Other business

a. Written report below from Kelly Hitchcock on:

i. Floodplain Management workshop in January

ii. CEDS Implementation Update

iii. Regional Employee Training Program Survey

iv. Hazard Mitigation Grant approved and starts in the spring 2018

11. Next meeting: January 18, 2018, 5 p.m.


Central Virginia Planning District Commission


828 Main Street, 12th Floor
Lynchburg, VA 24504
(434) 845-3491

CVPDC Central Virginia Planning District Commission

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